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Thegreatgarden 本店主要售卖中, 西式园艺工具及手工具. 创健於1980年, 在香港元朗炮仗坊开设店铺门市,至今已有三十多年历史. 锄头,泥耙,洞锹,十字镐,园艺工具,花剪,农具,草剪,树锯,水枪,灌溉,手套,工具袋, claber,bahco,gardena,sellery,samurai,saboten,gman,towa, donghwa,Jetech Thegreatgarden Thank you for visiting thegreatgarden.com, a company based in Hong Kong. Our shop was established in Yuen Long, Hong Kong. in 1980. We are well-known for over 30 years in gardening tool and hand tool. Main business vision is providing quality product with excellent customer services to our customers. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world. pruner,saw,razor,irrigation,hose,spray,nozzles,dipper,hoe,rack,trowel,worth,weishi,claber,bahco,gardena,sellery,samurari,saboten,gman,tool pouch, gloves, gardening tools, trimmer,towa, donghwa, jetech